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taipei city government中文是什么意思

用"taipei city government"造句"taipei city government"怎么读"taipei city government" in a sentence


  • 台北市政府


  • The taipei city government said that the breakdown was due to low pressure in a tire that controls the turning of the cable cars
  • In the planning phase prior to the construction of taipei mrt system , dorts the department of rapid transit systems of the taipei city government conducted a comprehensive environmental impact assessment of the initial network . which included the original level assessments of noise and vibration conditions , the influence analyses of ambient surroundings and the countermeasures to attenuate the environmental impact after the accomplishments of the systems
  • Therefore , in december 2000 the bureau of transportation of taipei city government completed a feasibility study for an lrt system in the taipei shin - yi district . this study recommended the adoption of an lrt system with a standard track gauge , power supply from overhead wires , two or three cars per train , a length of 90m for platforms , a certificate system for fare payment , consideration of the possibility of using electronic sensor ticketing systems , type b right - of - way for at grade sections , and signaling control for passing priority at the intersections . the study also proposed an initial lrt line of 9 . 6 kilometers in length with 9 stations
    现代化轻轨运输系统之运输效能已较电车系统大幅提升,以一般采用b型路权为主,少部分a与c型路权之系统而言,每小时单向运能达到5 , 000至15 , 000人次,介乎高运量捷运与公车系统之间,适合担负都会地区市郊与市中心区的联络路线、市中心区集散路线、铁路与捷运系统接驳路线、都市周边环状线、特定区间(新市镇)联络线、都会区次要运输走廊运输主轴等服务类型。
用"taipei city government"造句  


Taipei City Government (台北市政府) governs the city of Taipei, Republic of China.
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